Geometry Seminar of ICMS

The next session of the Geometry Seminar of ICMS will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 4:00 pm, in room 403 and via Zoom. A talk on: Tropical compactifications of moduli spaces - Part 2 will be delivered by Lionel Lanf, International Center of Mathematical Sciences (ICMS - Sofia). Abstract:In this talk I will describe various tropical compactifications of the moduli spaces of curves. I will discuss some motivations and applications coming from tropical geometry (joint with M. Melo, J. Rau and F. Viviani). Zoom link:  

2024-12-04T17:52:33+02:00Wednesday, 4 December 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

Geometry Seminar of ICMS

The next session of the Geometry Seminar of ICMS will be held on Wednesday, November 27, 2024, at 4:00 pm, in room 403 and via Zoom. A talk on: Tropical compactifications of moduli spaces will be delivered by Lionel Lanf, International Center of Mathematical Sciences (ICMS - Sofia). Abstract:In this talk I will describe various tropical compactifications of the moduli spaces of curves. I will discuss some motivations and applications coming from tropical geometry (joint with M. Melo, J. Rau and F. Viviani). Zoom link:  

2024-11-22T11:40:11+02:00Friday, 22 November 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

ICMS Seminar

Time: August 6, 2024, 2:00 pmPlace: Room 403, IMI - BASSpeaker: Prof. Mladen Dimitrov Brown  (University of Lille)Title: P-adic L-functions and the geometry of the EigencurveFurther information: For centuries, understanding special values of L-functions has been a significant research topic in number theory. Their study has been central to many celebrated pieces of mathematics, from Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions and the class number formula to the Riemann hypothesis and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer (BSD) conjecture, two of the famous millennium problems.The BSD conjecture predicts that the Mordell–Weil rank of an elliptic curve is given by the order of vanishing of its L-function the central point. Iwasawa theory, in turn, seeks to relate the arithmetic over the p-adic cyclotomic extension with the [...]

2024-08-05T23:07:02+03:00Friday, 2 August 2024|Categories: |Tags: |

ICMS-Sofia organizes Modern Methods in Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic PDE International Conference

The conference is organized by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS–Sofia) at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, with the financial support of the Simons Foundation.

2024-05-21T13:44:07+03:00Tuesday, 21 May 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Geometry Seminar of ICMS

The next session of the Geometry Seminar of ICMS will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 16:00, in room 403 and via Zoom. A talk on: Hyperbolic amoebas will be delivered by Mikhail Shkolnikov, IMI - BAS. Abstract: Classical amoebas serve as a tool to study algebraic varieties and as one of the entry points to tropical geometry. The original definition involves a logarithmic projection of a subvariety of a complex algebraic torus, which can be interpreted as forgetting the phase, i.e. the arguments of complex numbers. In group-theoretic terms, this projection map may be thought of as passing to the quotient by the maximal compact subgroup. Suppose one replaces the algebraic torus with a complex three-dimensional matrix group. In that case, the [...]

2024-05-13T10:32:22+03:00Monday, 13 May 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

IMI announces positions for Leading Researchers at the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia

The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMI-BAS) announces four temporary (5-year) positions for R4 Leading researchers (Chairs), who are at the career stage at which they are already established leaders with a recognized track record of research achievements.

2024-04-23T14:20:15+03:00Tuesday, 23 April 2024|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: , , , |

Geometry Seminar of ICMS

The next session of the Geometry Seminar of ICMS will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 16:00, in room 403 and via Zoom. A talk on: Generalised Plucker formula will be delivered by Andrei Benguş-Lasnier, ICMS - Sofia. Abstract: In order to classify objects in singularity theory and algebraic geometry, we define invariants associated to varieties or germs of singularities and hope to have enough tools to compute them easily. From classical projective duality, for any variety X , we can define a dual variety X∗ and we call the class of X the degree of X∗ . Plücker’s formula allows one to compute this class for plane curves with a certain set of nodes, cusps and tacnodes. We will [...]

2024-04-23T01:20:55+03:00Tuesday, 23 April 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

Geometry Seminar of ICMS

The next session of the Geometry Seminar of ICMS will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 16:00, in room 403 and via Zoom. A talk on: Reading seminar of geometric Lubin-Tate theory will be delivered by Jiachang Xu, IMI - BAS. Abstract: This is reading seminar of geometry of Lubin-Tate theory, our goal is to understand the papers “M. J. Hopkins and B. H. Gross, Equivariant vector bundles on the Lubin-Tate moduli space” and “Ramero, Lorenzo On a class of étale analytic sheaves”. The first seminar we plan to go over the basis of deformation theory, formal group and necessary rigid geometry. Zoom link:  

2024-03-26T10:20:39+02:00Tuesday, 26 March 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

Geometry Seminar of ICMS

The next session of the Geometry Seminar of ICMS will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 16:00, in room 403 and via Zoom. A talk on: Ellipsoid superpotentials: obstructing symplectic embeddings by singular algebraic curves will be delivered by Grigory Mikhalkin, University of Geneva. Abstract: How singular can be a local branch of a plane algebraic curve of a given degree d? A remarkable series of real algebraic curves was constructed by Stepan Orevkov. It is based on even-indexed numbers in the Fibonacci series: a degree 5 curve with a 13/2 cusp, a degree 13 curve with a 34/5-cusp, and so on. We discuss this and other series of algebraic curves in the context of the problem of symplectic packing of an ellipsoid [...]

2024-03-15T10:05:57+02:00Friday, 15 March 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |
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