IMI–BAS Medal with Ribbon and IMI–BAS Plaque
The IMI prizes, a medal with ribbon and a plaque are awarded to individuals and legal entities, who have contributed to the development of mathematics and informatics in Bulgaria, and, in particular, in IMI-BAS.
Details about the prizes and the nomination procedure are described in the IMI–BAS Prizes and Honors Regulations.
Holders of the IMI–BAS Medal with Ribbon
Prof. Kamen Ganchev Ivanov | Minutes No. 16/20.12.2024 |
Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Mihaylov Velyov | Minutes No. 5/26.05.2023 |
Prof. Virginia Stoyneva Kiryakova | Minutes No. 5/26.05.2023 |
Assist. Prof. Emil Stoykov Kelevedjiev | Minutes No. 5/26.05.2023 |
Corr.-member Oleg Krastev Mushkarov | Minutes No. 8/14.05.2021 |
Acad. Vesselin Stoyanov Drensky | Minutes No. 12/18.12.2020 |
Assoc. Prof. Rumena Nikolova Kaltinska | Minutes No. 9/25.09.2020 |
Prof. Johann Todorov Davidov | Minutes No. 9/25.10.2019 |
Acad. Albert Nikolaevich Shiryaev, Steklov Mathematical Institute | Minutes No. 8-1/18.09.2019 |
Prof. Peter Lubomirov Stanchev | Minutes No. 5/17.05.2019 |
Prof. Efim Isakovich Zelmanov, University of California, San Diego, USA | Minutes No. 12/13.10.2017 |
Prof. Dr. Armen Glebovich Sergeev, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russia | Minutes No. 12/13.10.2017 |
Prof. Vesselin Mihaylov Petkov, University of Bordeaux, France | Minutes No. 12/13.10.2017 |
Academician Stanimir Lyubenov Troyanski | Minutes No. 12/13.10.2017 |
Prof. Radoslav Dimov Pavlov | Minutes No. 12/13.10.2017 |
Prof. Nikolay Mihaylov Yanev | Minutes No. 12/13.10.2017 |
Assoc. Prof. Andrey Stefanov Andreev | Minutes No. 12/13.10.2017 |
Prof. Avram Mois Eskenazi | Minutes No. 5/20.05.2016 |
Acad. Petar Radoev Popivanov | Minutes No. 4/15.04.2016 |
Prof. Assen Lyubomirov Donchev, University of Michigan, USA | Minutes No. 2/07.03.2014 |
Prof. Svetoslav Marinov Markov | Minutes No. 6/10.05.2013 |
Acad. Petar Stoyanov Kenderov | Minutes No. 5/29.03.2013 |
Prof. Stoyan Yordanov Nedev | Minutes No. 10/16.11.2012 |
Acad. Yuriy Mikhailovich Arskiy, VINITI-RAN, Russia | Minutes No. 13/18.11.2011 |
Joann DiGennaro, President of the Center for Excellence in Education, USA | Minutes No. 4/29.05.2009 |
Prof. Nikolay Hristovich Rozov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia | Minutes No. 7/05.12.2008 |
Corr.-Member Boris Aleksandrovich Sevastyanov, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russia | Minutes No. 5/17.10.2008 |
Prof. Laszlo Lovasz, Hungarian Academy of Sciences | Minutes No. 4/04.07.2008 |
Acad. Petar Radoev Popivanov | Minutes No. 3/28.03.2008 |
Prof. Peter Hristov Barnev | Minutes No. 2/29.02.2008 |
Prof. Stancho Genchev Dimiev | Minutes No. 8/19.10.2007 |
Prof. Vladimir Lyubomirov Chakalov | Minutes No. 8/19.10.2007 |
Prof. Georgi Ivanov Hristov | Minutes No. 8/19.10.2007 |
Prof. Georgi Dimitrov Karatoprakliev | Minutes No. 8/19.10.2007 |
Prof. Petar Kirilov Rusev | Minutes No. 8/19.10.2007 |
Prof. Raycho Dimitrov Lazarov | Minutes No. 8/19.10.2007 |
Corr.-member Ivan Hristov Dimovski | Minutes No. 8/19.10.2007 |
Acad. Blagovest Hristov Sendov | Minutes No. 8/19.10.2007 |
Holders of the IMI–BAS Plaque
New Bulgarian University | Protocol № 12/30.09.2011 |
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Plovdiv University | Protocol № 16/16.12.2010 |
Center for Excellence in Education, USA | Protocol № 4/29.05.2009 |
Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences | Protocol № 3/13.03.2009 |
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts | Protocol № 8/19.10.2007 |
Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences | Protocol № 8/19.10.2007 |
Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences | Protocol № 8/19.10.2007 |
Research Institute of Automation and Computing of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences | Protocol № 8/19.10.2007 |
Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy | Protocol № 8/19.10.2007 |
“Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob” Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy | Protocol № 8/19.10.2007 |
Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Protocol № 8/19.10.2007 |
Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute) | Protocol № 8/19.10.2007 |