About Anna Branzova

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So far Anna Branzova has created 390 blog entries.

Antoni Rangachev from IMI receives a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation

The “Topological, Metric and Algebraic Equisingularity Theory” project will be carried out at IMI-BAS. Its aim is to help Dr. Rangachev establish a research group in singularities. Dr Rangachev will be assisted in this endeavor by Prof. Norbert A'Campo (University of Basel) and Prof. Zsolt Patakfalvi (EPFL). The project will fund several postdoctoral positions, graduate students, a singularities seminar, research trips for the team members, and conferences in singularity theory that will be held in Bulgaria.

2025-01-09T16:23:26+02:00Tuesday, 7 January 2025|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

Happy Holidays!

The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences wishes all its colleagues, partners, and friends Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025! As we approach the New Year, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your hard work and our successful collaboration throughout 2024! The past year was full of challenges, but we achieved remarkable results thanks to our joint efforts. We look forward to the future with confidence, believing that the New Year 2025 will bring us even more opportunities for growth, building trusted partnerships, and achieving new successes.  We wish you good health, happiness, and inspiration! May the New Year bring you and your loved ones much joy, harmony, fulfilled dreams, [...]

2024-12-20T14:57:54+02:00Friday, 20 December 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Yuri Tschinkel was elected a foreign member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Prof. Yuri Tschinkel has always strongly supported Bulgarian mathematics. His collaboration with Bulgarian mathematicians and physicists dates back to his student years at Moscow State University and continues to this day. Yuri Tschinkel was a plenary speaker in the second edition of the international conference "Mathematics Days in Sofia" in 2017, which greatly contributed to the establishment and popularization of this prestigious scientific forum of the Bulgarian mathematical community around the world.

2024-11-27T12:39:07+02:00Wednesday, 27 November 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , |

IMSAC Days in Sofia

The international conference IMSAC Days in Sofia takes place from August 8 to 10 at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. This conference is a collaborative effort between the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS-Sofia) and the Institute for the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas (IMSA) at the University of Miami, with the generous financial support from the Simons Foundation.

2024-08-08T17:13:09+03:00Friday, 2 August 2024|Categories: News|Tags: |

Institute of Mathematics and Informatics announces a temporary postdoctoral position

The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMI-BAS) announces a temporary postdoctoral position, funded by the Bulgarian Scientific Programme “Enhancing the Research Capacity in Mathematical Sciences” (PIKOM).

2024-07-02T14:14:55+03:00Monday, 8 July 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , |

ICMS-Sofia organizes Modern Methods in Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic PDE International Conference

The conference is organized by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS–Sofia) at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, with the financial support of the Simons Foundation.

2024-05-21T13:44:07+03:00Tuesday, 21 May 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , |

IMI announces positions for Leading Researchers at the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia

The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMI-BAS) announces four temporary (5-year) positions for R4 Leading researchers (Chairs), who are at the career stage at which they are already established leaders with a recognized track record of research achievements.

2024-04-23T14:20:15+03:00Tuesday, 23 April 2024|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: , , , |

Vladimir Mitankin from IMI receives a grant from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme

The project “Generalised Integrality and Applications to Number Theory” of Dr. Vladimir Mitankin will be carried out under the scientific supervision of Prof. Ludmil Katzarkov.

2024-04-11T17:27:20+03:00Thursday, 11 April 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , |
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