ICMS Seminar

Time: January 14, 2025, 2:00 pm Place: Room 403, IMI - BAS Speaker: Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Université Paris-Cité Title: Regularized Quantum Motion in a Bounded Set: Hilbertian Aspects Further information: https://icms.bg/regularized-quantum-motion-in-a-bounded-set-hilbertian-aspects-talk-by-jean-pierre-gazeau/ Abstract. It is well known that the momentum operator canonically conjugated to the position operator for a particle confined within a bounded interval of the line (with Dirichlet boundary conditions) is not essentially self-adjoint, as it possesses a continuum of self-adjoint extensions. In this talk, we demonstrate that essential self-adjointness can be restored by symmetrically weighting the momentum operator with a positive bounded function that approximates the indicator function of the given interval. This weighted momentum operator arises naturally from a similarly weighted classical momentum through the Weyl-Heisenberg covariant integral quantization of functions or distributions. Reference: [...]

2025-01-13T18:55:49+02:00Monday, 13 January 2025|Categories: |Tags: |

ICMS Seminar

Time: September 10, 2024, 2:00 pm Place: Room 403, IMI - BAS Speaker: Boaz Moerman (Utrecht University) Title: Generalized integral points and strong approximation Further information: https://icms.bg/generalized-integral-points-and-strong-approximation-talk-by-boaz-moerman/ Abstract. The Chinese remainder theorem states that given coprime integers p_1, …, p_n and integers a_1, …, a_n , we can always find an integer m such that m \equiv a_i \mbox{ mod } p_i for all i . Similarly given distinct numbers x_1,…, x_n and y_1, …, y_n we can find a polynomial f such that f(x_i)=y_i . These statements are two instances of strong approximation for the affine line (over the integers \mathbb{Z} and the polynomials k[x] over a field k ). In this talk we will [...]

2024-09-10T00:23:52+03:00Tuesday, 10 September 2024|Categories: |Tags: |

International Conference Integrability, Q-systems and Cluster Algebras

International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS-Sofia) at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, organizes the international conference Integrability, Q-systems and Cluster Algebras August 11 – 18, 2024 Varna, Bulgaria The event is organized with the financial support of the Simons Foundation. Organizers: Ivan Todorov, Ivan Kostov, Valentina Petkova, Vesselin Filev, Todor Popov,  Radoslav Rashkov,  Neli Stoilova, Tzvetan Vetzov More details can be found at: https://icms.bg/event/integrability-q-systems-and-cluster-algebras/  

2024-08-05T23:26:43+03:00Monday, 5 August 2024|Categories: |Tags: |
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