ICMS-Sofia: Fifth International Conference Women in Mathematics in South-Eastern Europe

The International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia) at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is organizing the Fifth International Conference Women in Mathematics in South-Eastern Europe, which will be held on December 11 – 13, 2024, in Sofia, Bulgaria. The international conference is held with the support of the Scientific Program "Enhancing the Research Capacity in Mathematical Sciences" and the Simons Foundation. You can find more about the event, the speakers, as well as abstracts of the reports on the ICMS–Sofia website: https://icms.bg/fifth-conference-women-in-mathematics-in-south-eastern-europe/.

2024-12-04T17:03:54+02:00Wednesday, 4 December 2024|Categories: |Tags: , , |

14th International Conference “Mathematics of Informational Modeling”

14th International Conference Mathematics of Informational Modeling October 24 - 25, 2024 Room 478, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences PROGRAM Join Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83195612669?pwd=t3L1CFlM31H1ZFEKMqLYOte6Qgfw1S.1 Meeting ID: 831 9561 2669 Passcode: 452676

2024-10-20T15:14:10+03:00Sunday, 20 October 2024|Categories: |Tags: |

Scientific Conference “November Days Of Mathematics And Informatics”

Scientific Conference November Days of Mathematics and Informatics November 29-30, 2024, Veliko Tarnovo The conference aims to promote interactions between researchers in the fields of mathematics, informatics, information technology and methods for their teaching and learning. Organizer and Host: Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo Co-organizers: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences University of Vienna Section University of Veliko Tarnovo at the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians Scientific Fields Mathematical analysis, Geometry and Applications Discrete Structures Computer Science Education in Mathematics and Informatics Important Deadlines 1.10.2024 - Submission of proposals for Special Sessions 1.11.2024 - Registration of talks and abstract submission (one participant can present up to two talks) 15.11.2024 - Registration without a talk. For further information [...]

2024-10-19T21:17:00+03:00Saturday, 19 October 2024|Categories: |Tags: , , |

CTF 2023: International Conference “Constructive Theory of Functions”

International Conference CONSTRUCTIVE THEORY OF FUNCTIONS - 2023 LOZENETS, June 11 - 15, 2023 organized by Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and Department of Mathematics and Informatics, The Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski.   Сайт на конференцията: http://www.math.bas.bg/mathmod/CTF-2023/

2023-05-18T13:20:16+03:00Thursday, 18 May 2023|Categories: |Tags: , , |

Scientific Conference on Differential Equations and Mathematical Models in Economics”

The scientific conference on Differential Equations and Mathematical Models in Economics will be held on February 27 -  28, 2023, in the Conference Room of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The conference is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Associate Professor Yordan Yordanov (1948-2021), a researcher and teacher of long-standing practice in the field of differential equations and mathematical modeling in economics. During the conference, current results will be presented on topics close to the scientific interests of Assoc. Prof. Yordanov. The conference is organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". For more information please see https://conference-iordanov.eu/.

2023-02-23T18:03:31+02:00Thursday, 23 February 2023|Categories: |Tags: , , , |

Tenth International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications

The 10th International Conference onNumerical Methods and Applications NM&A'22 August 22 - 26, 2022, Borovets, Bulgaria is organized by Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgarian Section of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (BGSIAM) For detailed information please visit the conference website: http://www.math.bas.bg/~nummeth/nma22/index.html

2022-05-14T17:16:30+03:00Saturday, 14 May 2022|Categories: |Tags: , |

XI-th International Conference “Mathematics of Informational Modeling”

XI-th International Conference "Mathematics of Informational Modeling" will be held on July 1st and 2nd, 2021. MIM 2021 (ithea.org) PROGRAM   IMI BAS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Daily: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZUsc-6gqz4iH9LP25ZEadK1zqBD9qivZIVg/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGprz8tEtGQuByBRpwcBY-gKPzwmCVHgvpxrE2wOQVSZiinLPNgFutuGc7q Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81147855856?pwd=UFVjK2tsa0hTLzcrM0dXV0dJYnJ6Zz09 Meeting ID: 811 4785 5856 Passcode: 549732 One tap mobile +35924925688,,81147855856#,,,,*549732# Bulgaria +35932571633,,81147855856#,,,,*549732# Bulgaria Dial by your location +359 2 492 5688 Bulgaria +359 3 257 1633 Bulgaria Meeting ID: 811 4785 5856 Passcode: 549732 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kb3QxGCP52https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kb3QxGCP52  

2021-06-29T11:35:58+03:00Tuesday, 29 June 2021|Categories: |Tags: , |

12th National Conference „Education and Research in the Information Society”

12th National Conference with International Participation „Education and Research in the Information Society” Plovdiv, 30-31 May 2019 PROGRAM The Association for the Development of the Information Society, the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and the University of Plovdiv ”Paisii Hilendarski” are pleased to invite you to take part in the twelfth edition of the conference ”Education and Research in the Information Society”. Priority themes Conference Topics include but are not limited to: E-learning and education support systems Serious games and virtual reality Web technologies and cloud computing Social networks and security of the Web environment User modelling and user-adaptive systems Natural language processing and information retrieval Big data management and analysis Knowledge discovery from data and text Approaches [...]

2019-05-29T12:07:56+03:00Wednesday, 29 May 2019|Categories: |Tags: , |

CTF 2019: International Conference “Constructive Theory of Functions”

International Conference CONSTRUCTIVE THEORY OF FUNCTIONS - 2019 SOZOPOL, June 2 - 8, 2019 organized by Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and Department of Mathematics and Informatics, The Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. For more information please vist the conference website: http://www.math.bas.bg/mathmod/CTF-2019/

2018-11-30T10:54:20+02:00Friday, 30 November 2018|Categories: |Tags: , , |

70th Anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

On October 27th The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics celebrates its 70th anniversary. The anniversary will be marked by celebration and exhibition on the history and achievements of the Institute in the Great Hall of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences from 2 p.m. Patron of the event is the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Mr. Rumen Radev. On October 25th and 26th, the IMI Multimedia Hall will host a scientific conference titled “Sharing Ideas,” which will present the achievements of IMI scientists. The project activities of IMI will be presented by an exhibition located in the foyer of the 3rd floor. […]

2018-06-12T23:07:13+03:00Monday, 23 October 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |
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