Institute of Mathematics and Informatics announces a Senior Researcher Temporary Position
The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences offers a 6-month Senior Researcher position in Sofia, Bulgaria, with a possibility for extension.
The starting date is October 1, 2024, but it is flexible. The working language is English.
The approved candidate will be affiliated with the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia), which is part of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and will work in the field of functional analysis and complex analysis. The project includes the study of Hadamard multipliers on spaces of holomorphic functions in complex plane and several variables. These are linear continuous maps such that every monomial is an eigenvector of the map.
Candidates must send a CV and a list of publications to with a copy to by July 26, 2024.
More details can be found at
ICMS-Sofia organizes Modern Methods in Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic PDE International Conference
From May 27 to 31, an international conference Modern Methods in Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic PDE will be held in Plovdiv. The event is organized by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS–Sofia) at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, with the financial support of the Simons Foundation.
The goal of the conference is to bring together world-renowned senior and early-career researchers working in the field of elliptic and parabolic PDE and foster discussions gravitating around (though not limited to): regularity theory and its applications, free boundaries, singularity formation, qualitative properties of solutions. The meeting also seeks to provide an opportunity for young scholars from Eastern Europe to engage with cutting-edge research in the area, thus helping to maintain the continuity and strength of our traditions in the area.
The conference will be officially opened on May 27, 2024, by Prof. Julian Revalski, President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Director of the International Center for Mathematical Sciences.
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IMI announces positions for Leading Researchers at the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia
The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMI-BAS) announces four temporary (5-year) positions for R4 Leading researchers (Chairs), who are at the career stage at which they are already established leaders with a recognized track record of research achievements. The approved researchers will be affiliated with the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia), which is part of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The positions are financially supported by Simons Foundation grant and funds from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The goal is:
- acceleration of progress in mathematics,
- acceleration of ICMS-Sofia reputation worldwide,
- establishing ICMS-Sofia as a leading regional scientific center producing a pipeline for Bulgarian and international talents,
- expanding ICMS-Sofia influence to society in Bulgaria at large in outreach activities and integration with industry.
The approved Chairs must establish their own research groups, consisting of an established researcher, a postdoc, and/or a PhD student. The Chairs need to ensure a high international visibility of the research groups obtaining major results in hot areas of mathematics in the first 5 years. The Chair’s contract can be extended for another 5 years or lead to a permanent position in IMI-BAS.
The selection process will be done by a Recruitment committee and the final selection will be approved by the ICMS Advisory Board.
An evaluation by the above committee will be made after the third (Intermediate Report) and fifth year (Final Report). The contracts will be extended upon the committee’s decision.
Payment to the Leading Researcher/Chair: up to 4800 EUR (9388 BGN) per month. The corresponding social insurance contributions due by the employer are not included in the above amount. Competitive salaries will be provided to the team members (senior staff, postdocs and PhD students). IMI-BAS will appoint the Chair and the team members under an employment contract.
Additionally, each research group will be offered an attractive amount of money for visitors and conferences.
The starting date is planned to be September 1, 2024, at the earliest, but it can be negotiated if needed. The working language is English or Bulgarian.
Additional information will be available upon request.
Applications can be made in any field of the contemporary fundamental and applied Mathematics. There are no restrictions on the applicant’s nationality and gender.
Interested candidates should provide a CV, a list of publications, and a project description (up to 10 pages). Letters of recommendation are not required but will be considered if provided. Please, send your applications by E-mail to
Deadline: Applications completed by July 31, 2024 will be given full consideration, although applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.
Vladimir Mitankin from IMI receives a grant from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme
Part of Horizon Europe, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) are programmes that aim at excellence in research. MSCA is the leading program of the European Union for funding the research work of doctoral and postdoctoral fellows.
The project Generalised Integrality and Applications to Number Theory of Dr. Vladimir Mitankin will be carried out under the scientific supervision of Prof. Ludmil Katzarkov.
Dr. Mitankin investigates classical questions in Diophantine geometry on the existence and the density of points on algebraic varieties using methods from both algebraic geometry and analytic number theory. The focus in the MSCA grant is aimed at semi-integral points, a notion corresponding to rational points satisfying an integrality condition with respect to a weighted boundary divisor. Introduced by Campana and by Darmon, semi-integral points provide at the same time an intermediate notion and a generalization of the notions of rational and integral points. The research aims, on one hand, at further developing the relatively new theory of semi-integral points, on the other hand, at obtaining information about integral points on algebraic varieties inaccessible with classical methods and, lastly, at applying the theory of semi-integral points with the hope of solving some classical problems in number theory.
Vladimir Mitankin is a Sofia University graduate with a master’s degree in number theory under the supervision of Prof. Doychin Tolev and Assoc. Prof. Ivan Chipchakov. He received his PhD training at the University of Bristol in 2017 with Prof. Tim Browning as advisor. Then, he subsequently became a postdoctoral fellow at the Mathematics Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, and the Leibniz University Hannover. Currently, Vladimir works at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics under the Scientific Programme “Enhancing the Research Capacity in Mathematical Sciences” (PIKOM).
Bulgaria welcomes the 41st Balkan Mathematical Olympiad
From April 27 to May 2, 2024, Bulgaria is hosting the 41st Balkan Mathematical Olympiad (BMO). It will be held in the resort “St. St. Constantine and Elena”, Varna. A record number of participants is expected to arrive in Bulgaria – 137 students from 22 countries.
The competition day for students is April 29. Within 4 and a half hours, each student solves 4 problems in algebra, combinatorics, geometry and number theory.
The Balkan Mathematics Olympiad was founded by Bulgaria, Romania and Greece in 1984, and was held for the first time in Athens. Over the years, the competition became more popular and today it is one of the most prestigious international competitions in mathematics.
According to the regulations of the competition, the participants can be the 11 Balkan countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Moldova, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. BMO can only be organized by one of these member countries, and participants in the competition can only be teams from these countries. The host country can also invite teams from other countries to try their hand at the competition – this year we welcome competitors from 11 countries, including France, Great Britain, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland and others. Each country’s team can consist of a maximum of six students, and the host country – Bulgaria – will participate in the Olympiad with two teams. The Bulgarian participants in the BMO are selected from among the best performers from the Autumn Mathematics Tournament, the National Winter Mathematics Competition and the Spring Mathematics Competition followed by an additional selection with control competitions.
The main organizers of the Balkan Mathematics Olympiad in Bulgaria are the Ministry of Education and Science and the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians (UBM). The chairman of the organizing committee is Prof. Nikolay Nikolov, and the secretaries are Prof. Stanislav Harizanov and Alexander Velinov. The Olympiad is held under the patronage of the Mayor of Varna Blagomir Kotsev. Partners of BMO2024 are the Natural Sciences Olympic Teams Association (NSOTA), Jane Street and Astea Solutions.
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