Algebra and Logic Seminar
The next meeting of the Algebra and Logic Seminar will be held on April 7, 2023 (Friday) at 1:00 pm (UTC+3) online in Zoom. A talk on: Exact values of exponential Følner functions and the Coulhon and Saloff-Coste inequality will be delivered by Bogdan Stankov (Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France). Abstract.For infinite groups, the Følner criterion states that a group is amenable if and only if the isoperimetric constant of its Cayley graph is 0. In that case, a more precise description of its isoperimetric profile is given by the Følner function. It depends on the choice of generating set, but different functions on the same group are asymptotically equivalent. Multiple results have been obtained on Følner functions, but only up [...]