Algebra and Logic Seminar
The next meeting of the Algebra and Logic Seminar will be held on November 22, 2024 (Friday) at 1:00 pm (UTC+2). A talk on: On Köthe’s normality question for locally finite-dimensional central division algebras will be delivered by Ivan Chipchakov, IMI - BAS. Abstract. This talk considers Köthe's question of whether every associative locally finite-dimensional (abbr., LFD) central division algebra R over a field K is a normally locally finite (abbr., NLF) algebra over K, that is, whether every nonempty finite subset Y of R is contained in a finite-dimensional central K-subalgebra RY of R. It shows that the answer to the posed question is negative if K is a purely transcendental extension of infinite transcendence degree over an algebraically closed field k. On the other hand, central division LFD-algebras [...]