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The next meeting of the Algebra and Logic Seminar will be held online via Zoom on November 3, 2023 (Friday) at 1:00 pm (UTC+2).

A talk on:

A Reduction of Temporary Coalitions in Infinite Multiplayer Games

will be delivered by Dimitar Guelev (IMI-BAS, Bulgaria).

Abstract.We propose a transformation of Concurrent Game Models which enables the reduction of infinite multiplayer games where players can form temporary coalitions to games with no coalitions by extending moves to include the negotiation steps that lead to the formation of coalitions. We adopt conditional promises as the building blocks of negotiation. Temporary coalitions and their agendas arise as the logical consequences of mutual promises. The transformation enables the use of established solution concepts about games with no coalitions for the analysis of games with temporary coalitions.

Link to the Zoom room:

Algebra and Logic Department, IMI – BAS
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