Operations Research Seminar

The next meeting of the Operations Research Seminar will be held on October 22nd (Tuesday) at 2:00 pm in Room 503 of IMI - BAS. A talk on Asymptotic covariance matrix of Capon’s Maximum likelihood estimator and application of steered response power phase alignment algorithm in seismic array data processing, Part 2 will be held by Alexandr Varipaev, Operations Research, Statistics and Probability Department. Abstract: Capon’s estimator was originally developed for frequency-wavenumber power spectral density analysis. Theoretically, it can be treated as maximum likelihood estimator of unknown vector parameter of multidimensional linear system (MLS) model with one input and m outputs.  Practically important and non-trivial case is considered, when the number of nuisance parameters, which are values of input deterministic signal, tends to infinity. Under [...]

2024-10-16T01:31:38+03:00Wednesday, 16 October 2024|Categories: |Tags: |

Operations Research Seminar

The next meeting of the Operations Research Seminar will be held on October 15th (Tuesday) at 2:00 pm in Room 503 of IMI - BAS. A talk on Asymptotic covariance matrix of Capon’s Maximum likelihood estimator and application of steered response power phase alignment algorithm in seismic array data processing will be held by Alexandr Varipaev, Operations Research, Statistics and Probability Department. Abstract: Capon’s estimator was originally developed for frequency-wavenumber power spectral density analysis. Theoretically, it can be treated as maximum likelihood estimator of unknown vector parameter of multidimensional linear system (MLS) model with one input and m outputs.  Practically important and non-trivial case is considered, when the number of nuisance parameters, which are values of input deterministic signal, tends to infinity. Under assumptions that [...]

2024-10-09T17:22:58+03:00Wednesday, 9 October 2024|Categories: |Tags: |

Operations Research Seminar

The next meeting of the Operations Research Seminar will be held on October 9th (Wednesday) at 2:00 pm in Room 503 of IMI - BAS. A talk on Graphs as an universal modeling tool, Part 2 will be held by Prof. Nicola Yanev, IMI-BAN. Abstract: For a series of practical optimization problems, we show that formulating them as graph optimization problems enables the development of competitive algorithms. The problems considered are known as: protein threading problem, contact map overlap, HP folding, a new scheduling theory problem, classification problem and the biclustering problem. The focus is on formulating them as graph optimization problems, which are solved by using Integer programming techniques.

2024-10-03T20:37:04+03:00Wednesday, 2 October 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

Operations Research Seminar

The next meeting of the Operations Research Seminar will be held on October 1st (Tuesday) at 2:00 pm in Room 503 of IMI - BAS. A talk on Graphs as an universal modeling tool will be held by Prof. Nicola Yanev, IMI-BAN. Abstract: For a series of practical optimization problems, we show that formulating them as graph optimization problems enables the development of competitive algorithms. The problems considered are known as: protein threading problem, contact map overlap, HP folding, a new scheduling theory problem, classification problem and the biclustering problem. The focus is on formulating them as graph optimization problems, which are solved by using Integer programming techniques.

2024-09-26T15:57:52+03:00Thursday, 26 September 2024|Categories: |Tags: |

Operations Research Seminar

The next meeting of the Operations Research Seminar will be held on July 2nd (Tuesday) at 2:00 pm in Room 503 of IMI - BAS. A talk on On some contemporary mathematical methods for data analysis will be held by Prof. Pando Georgiev, IMI - BAS. Abstract: We will review some selected methods and algorithms for data analysis: A) Latent component analysis - reveals hidden features of composite data. Particularly, we will describe some     Signal Separation Methods: based on statistical independence - Independent Component Analysis based on sparsity. - Sparse Component Analysis based on non-negativity - Non-Negative Matrix and Tensor Factorization B) New approach to multiclass learning problems and applications to some problems in machine learning, as: nonlinear least square problems subspace [...]

2024-08-05T23:07:41+03:00Saturday, 29 June 2024|Categories: |Tags: |

Operations Research Seminar

The next meeting of the Operations Research Seminar will be held on June 18th (Tuesday) at 2:00 pm in Room 503 of IMI - BAS. A talk on Mathematical modelling of torque-velocity and torque-angle relationships  - part 2: numerical results will be held by Prof. Peter Milanov, IMI - BAS and South-West University.

2024-06-12T20:27:41+03:00Wednesday, 12 June 2024|Categories: |Tags: |

Seminar of the Department of Operations Research, Probability and Statistics

The next meeting of the Seminar of the Department of Operations Research, Probability and Statistics will be held online on November 11, 2020, at 2 p.m. A talk on: Nonlinear differential inclusions in Banach space with nonlocal initial conditions will be delivered by Pavlina Rumcheva. The seminar will be held via Zoom and everybody is invited to join through: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89206392495?pwd=RGdxY0RYZWp3NGpXNzFpdDFOQnJmUT09 Topic: Семинар на секция ИОВС Time: Nov 11, 2020 14:00 Sofia Meeting ID: 892 0639 2495 Passcode: 671052

2020-11-04T10:09:02+02:00Wednesday, 4 November 2020|Categories: |Tags: |

Seminar of the Department of Operations Research, Probability and Statistics

The next meeting of the Seminar of the Department of Operations Research, Probability and Statistics will be held virtually on September 29, 2020, at 2 p.m. A talk on: Nonlinear differential inclusions in Banach space with nonlocal initial conditions will be delivered by Tzanko Donchev, University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Sofia. The seminar will be held via Zoom and everybody is invited to join through: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77801200864?pwd=MUNpaFFnU3VXV20wcGF4NkFGbmk0Zz09 Topic: Seminar IOVS Time: Sep 29, 2020 02:00 PM Sofia Meeting ID: 778 0120 0864 Passcode: 5s6E2a Abstract

2020-09-23T17:03:33+03:00Wednesday, 23 September 2020|Categories: |Tags: |

Seminar of the Department of Operations Research, Probability and Statistics

The next meeting of the Seminar of the Department of Operations Research, Probability and Statistics will be held virtually on July 21, 2020, at 4 p.m. A talk on: The TVBG-SEIR spline model for analysis of COVID-19 spread, and a Tool for prediction scenarios will be delivered by Prof. Ognyan Kounchev. The seminar will be held via Zoom and everybody is invited to join through: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82270683091?pwd=MDN0SGsxbDlrNTlud1V0YjEyakk5UT09 Topic: Семинар на секция ИОВС Time: Jul 21, 2020 16:00 Sofia Meeting ID: 822 7068 3091 Password: 153823 Abstract

2020-07-18T12:04:09+03:00Saturday, 18 July 2020|Categories: |Tags: |
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