Ninth international conference New trends in the applications of differential equations in sciences (NTADES2022)

Ninth international conference New trends in the applications of differential equations in sciences (NTADES2022) Ninth international conference New trends in the applications of differential equations in sciences (NTADES2022) will held from 14-17 June, 2022 in Sozopol, Bulgaria. It is in cooperation with Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). The main topics are: Applications in Mathematical Physics; Applications in Nonlinear Waves; Applications in Financial Mathematics; Applications in Mechanics; Applications in Fractional analysis; Applications in Biology; Applications in Neurosciences. More information can be found on the web site of the conference The proceedings will be published in American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings ( which have Scopus Journal Rang.

NTADES 2021: Eight International Conference on New Trends in the Applications of Differential Equations in Sciences

Eight International Conference New Trends in the Applications of Differential Equations in Sciences (NTADES 2021) 6-9 September 2021, Sts. Constantine and Helena (Bulgaria) The Eight International Conference on New Trends of Differential Equations in Sciences is organized in cooperation with Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. The conference will be devoted to the 75th Anniversary of Academician Petar Popivanov. The conference consists of invited and contributed papers. Several special sessions, as well as young researchers' sessions will be organized during the conference. The conference will be held in the Frederic Joliot-Curie International House of Scientists, St. Constantine and Helena, Bulgaria, 6-9 September 2021. The proceedings will be published in American Institute of Physics. For more information please visit the conference site:  

NTADES 2019: New Trends in the Applications of Differential Equations in Sciences

Sixth International Conference New Trends in the Applications of Differential Equations in Sciences (NTADES 2019), 1-4 July 2019, St. Constantine and Helena, Bulgaria In cooperation with    Co-organizers: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Union of Scientific Workers in Bulgaria Sixth International Conference on New Trends of Differential Equations in Sciences (NTADES 2019)  will be devoted to different applications of differential equations in very broad variety of scientific fields.The conference consists of invited and contributed papers. Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers on topics included but not limited to the applications of differential equations in: Mathematical Physics; Mathematical Finance; Mathematical Biology; Nonlinear waves; Fractional Calculus;  Neuroscience. The proceedings will be published in the Conference Proceedings Series of American [...]

2019-01-23T10:32:54+02:00Wednesday, 23 January 2019|Categories: |Tags: |

NTADES 2018: New Trends in the Applications of Differential Equations in Sciences

Fifth International Conference New Trends in the Applications of Differential Equations in Sciences (NTADES 2018) 18-21 June 2018, Sofia In cooperation with  Fifth International Conference on New Trends of Differential Equations in Sciences is organized in cooperation with Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics and will be hosted by Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The conference will be devoted to numerous applications of differential equations in different scientific fields. A number of phenomena in nature (physics, chemistry, biology) and in society (economics) result in problems leading to study of linear and nonlinear differential equations. The conference consists of invited and contributed papers. Several special sessions, as well as young researchers' sessions will be organized during the conference. The conference will be held [...]

2018-03-01T12:11:21+02:00Thursday, 1 March 2018|Categories: |Tags: |
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