Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Seminar

The next meeting of the seminar of the Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department  will be held on January 30, 2025, at 2:00 pm in Zoom.  A talk on: Some mathematical aspects of simulation modeling of physiological processes in plants will be delivered by Dr. Alex Topaj (Bureau Hyperborea Ltd). Abstract: The contribution presents the author’s experience of using mathematical methods to describe plant physiology processes in applied crop models. In contrast to the simplified data-based empirical approach, the mechanistic description of plant vital processes in theory allows us to obtain new knowledge and to develop the universal crop models with parameters having physical meaning. Such explanatory models, in addition to the traditional cause-and-effect method (the flow-balance approach, leading to systems of differential or [...]

2025-01-28T18:42:07+02:00Tuesday, 28 January 2025|Categories: |Tags: |

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Seminar

The next meeting of the seminar of the Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department  will be held on September 18, 2024, at 2:00 pm in Room 478 of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. A talk on: Singular perturbation theory in epidemic modelling will be delivered by Sara Sottile (University of Bologna, Italy). Abstract: In real world scenarios, the natural phenomena usually evolve on time scales differing by various orders of magnitude. Such separation in time-scales can be found, for example, in the field of chemical oscillations [1], neuroscience [2], ecology [3] or opinion/information spreading [4]. In this context, Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory (GSPT) is a powerful analytical technique which fully exploits the underlying time-scale separation. Epidemiological models also provide a natural fit for these [...]

2024-09-11T13:21:59+03:00Tuesday, 10 September 2024|Categories: |Tags: |

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Seminar

The seminar of the Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department will have its next meeting as follows: Date: November 28, 2023, 2:00 pm Place: Conference Room of IMI - BAS Title: Application of Mathematical and Statistical Models and Methods in Forest and Agricultural Land Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Data Speakers: Prof. Lachezar Filchev, Ch. Assist. Prof. Desislava Ganeva, Ch. Assist. Prof. Ilina Kamenova and Ch. Assist. Prof. Zlatomir Dimitrov from ICIT - BAN  

2023-11-23T11:22:55+02:00Thursday, 23 November 2023|Categories: |Tags: |

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Seminar

The next meeting of the seminar of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis will be held on July 17, 2023, Monday, at 2:00 pm in Room 503 of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. A public inaugural lecture on Biochemical reaction networks and applications in epidemiological modeling will be delivered by Assoc. Prof. Milen Borisov.  

2023-07-12T01:45:58+03:00Wednesday, 12 July 2023|Categories: , |Tags: , |

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Seminar

The next meeting of the seminar of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis will be held on March 6, 2023, Monday, at 2:00 pm in Room 503 of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. A talk on Fractional models with applications to infectious diseases dynamics and control theory will be delivered by Faïçal Ndaïrou, postdoc fellow under the PICOM program. Abstract. In this talk, I will start by presenting some recent models of fractional calculus and their connection to previously introduced in the litterature. Mainly, I will focus on fractional models with general analytic kernel as they include many existing operators as particular cases. Then, as an application, a detail analysis of a fractional mathematical model of COVID–19 transmission dynamics reflecting realities [...]

2023-03-03T15:10:59+02:00Monday, 27 February 2023|Categories: |Tags: |

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Seminar

The next meeting of the seminar of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis will be held on December 19, 2022, Monday, at 2:00 pm in Room 403 of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, with the following program: 14:00-14:45 Krasimir Angelov, Numerical solution of the 2D unsteady Boussinesq Paradigm Equation 15:00-15:45 Galina Lyutskanova-Zhekova, Motion of long bubbles in gravity- and pressure-driven flow through cylindrical capillaries up to moderate capillary numbers.

2022-12-16T13:20:31+02:00Wednesday, 14 December 2022|Tags: |

Mathematical Modeling and Numerial Analysis Seminar

The next meeting of the seminar of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis will be held on November 28, 2022, Monday, at 2:00 pm, in Room 403 of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. A talk on: Numerical solution of the two dimensional stationary Boussinesq Paradigm Equation will be delivered by Krasimir Angelov, in which he will present the results of his dissertation.  

2022-11-22T11:35:54+02:00Friday, 4 November 2022|Categories: |Tags: |

Mathematical Modelling and Numerial Analysis Seminar

The next meeting of the Department of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis will be held on November 7, 2022 (Monday) at 2:00 pm in Room 403 of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. A talk on: Mathematical modeling of bioprocesses with the use of fractional order derivatives will be delivered by Vladimira Suvandzhieva (doctoral student at the MMNA Department), in which she will present the results of her graduation thesis. Abstract: This work brings together two recently discussed topics: mathematical modeling of a bioreactor and working with derivatives of non-integer order. Generally, it turns out that it is reasonable to replace the integer order derivatives in some of the already well known mathematical models describing bioprocesses with fractional order ones. However, the specific structure [...]

2022-11-02T18:28:10+02:00Wednesday, 2 November 2022|Categories: |Tags: |
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