ICMS Colloquium

Time: 19.03.2024, Wednesday, 4:00 pm Place: Zoom only Lecturer: Vesselin Petkov (Université Bordeaux) Title: Dynamical zeta function for billiard flow Abstract: We will present briefly the connection between Riemann zeta function, Ruellle zeta function and dynamical zeta function. The last one is related to the billiard flow for the union D \subset R^d of a finite collection of pairwise disjoint strictly convex compact obstacles. Let \mu_j \in C , \Im \mu_j > 0 be the resonances of the Laplacian in the exterior of D with Neumann or Dirichlet boundary condition on \partial D . For d odd, u(t) = \sum_j e^{i |t| \mu_j} is a distribution in \mathcal{D}'(R \setminus \{0\}) and the Laplace transforms of the leading [...]