General Meeting of the Scientists of IMI-BAS

Pursuant to item 4.2 of the Operational Regulations of IMI, a meeting of the General Meeting of the Scientists at IMI will be held on May 29, 2024 (Wednesday) at 1:00 p.m. in Room 055 "Acad. Stefan Dodunekov", floor -1 of IMI, with the following agenda: Amendments and additions to the Operational Regulations of IMI. Acceptance of the list of candidates participating in the election for IMI representatives at the General Assembly of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Acceptance of the list of candidates participating in the election for the Scientific Council of IMI. Determination of procedural rules for the conduct of the elections for the General Assembly of BAS and the Scientific Council of IMI. Miscellaneous. The departments and the members of the [...]

2024-05-13T23:44:11+03:00Monday, 13 May 2024|Categories: |Tags: |

General Meeting of the Scientists and the Scientific Council of IMI-BAS

Pursuant to item 4.2 of the Operational Regulations of IMI, a joint meeting of the General Meeting of the Scientists at IMI and the Scientific Council of IMI will be held on January 24, 2024 (Wednesday) at 11:00 a.m. in Room 055 "Acad. Stefan Dodunekov", floor -1 of IMI, with the following agenda: 1. Adoption of the research and financial report for the activities of IMI in 2023. 2. Miscellaneous. The members of the GMS and the Scientific Council of IMI are obliged to attend the meeting. Information about membership in the GMS could be given by Galya Stoyanova, room 215 at IMI, ext. 3819. Proposals for minutes keeper, tellers and changes in the agenda of the meeting are also accepted by Galya Stoyanova. [...]

2024-01-11T15:49:13+02:00Thursday, 11 January 2024|Categories: |Tags: |

General Assembly of IMI

ANNOUNCEMENT In accordance with section 4.2 of the Operating Rules of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, a joint meeting of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE SCIENTISTS OF IMI is hereby summoned on June 1st, 2021 (Tuesday) at 11 a.m. online in ZOOM WITH THE FOLLOWING AGENDA: 1. Acceptance of amendments to the Operating Rules of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. 2. Electing an IMI Labour Conditions Committee. 3. Miscellaneous. The proposed amendments and additions to the IMI Operating Rules have been introduced in the text of the Rules and it is advisable to familiarize yourselves with them in advance. The  document can be found at the IMI library and at the following web address: Link [...]

2021-05-27T12:19:11+03:00Thursday, 27 May 2021|Categories: |Tags: |

Joint Meeting of the General Assembly and the Scientific Council of IMI

ANNOUNCEMENT In accordance with section 4.2 of the Operating Rules of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, a joint meeting of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND THE SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL OF IMI will be summoned on January 27, 2021 (Wednesday) at 11 a.m. online in ZOOM WITH THE FOLLOWING AGENDA: 1.Awarding researchers at IMI. 2. Approval of the Annual Scientific Research Report and the Financial Report of IMI for 2018. 3.Electing a new Chairperson of the General Assembly of IMI. 4. Miscellaneous. Link to the ZOOM session will be sent by email to all members of the General Assembly and the Scientific Council on January 25, 2021 (Monday). Nominations for the new chairperson of the General Assembly of IMI, along [...]

2021-01-26T11:27:10+02:00Thursday, 14 January 2021|Categories: |Tags: , |
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