9th Congress of the WFNMC
9th Congress of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions July 19 - 25, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria The 9th Congress of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, in July 2022. It will be co-organized and hosted by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. The program of the Congress will include talks, workshops, mini-courses, problem posing sessions, plenary talks, and other events. Much of the Congress’ work will center on the following four themes: Building Bridges between Problems of Mathematical Research and Competitions (chaired by Alexander Soifer); Creating Problems and Problem Solving (chaired by Krzysztof Ciesielski); Competitions around the World (chaired by Maria Losada); Technological Applications in Mathematics Competitions (chaired by Lukas Donner). Participants are invited to submit [...]