Momcheva, Galina
Research interests: algorithmic design, neural networks, biomedical research, education
Research interests: algorithmic design, neural networks, biomedical research, education
Deep learning, neural networks
Research interests: Information searching systems; Digitization of cultural heritage, research of digital and physical accessibility of museums; ICT and educational programs in museums
Accessibility: standards and legislation; documents, software, web interfaces and content; assistive technologies; people with disabilities and technology; practical applications.
Adaptable (Context-Aware) Information Systems, IT (Service-Oriented) Architectures, Enterprise Modeling, Future Internet Applications for Traffic Surveillance and Management, e-Health Services and Technologies, Green IT Solutions, e-Voting / i-Voting.
1) Image and Video Processing: MPEG-21, MPEG-7, MPEG-4, SIFT. 2) Computer graphics: OPEN GL, Color theory, Java 2D and Java 3D, Maya, 3ds MAX 3) Medical imaging: Magnetic Resonance Images analysis, Segmentation, 3D reconstruction, Functional MRI 4) Game design: LUA, XNA, Python, Sonics, Game generators: Blitz, I7, Game Factory, Inscape, Torque, Yoyo, Unity, Alice. 5) Multimedia Systems: Semantic web technology. Ontology. W3C's Web Ontology Language (OWL), Resource Description Framework (RDF), Content based image retrieval (CBIR). Digital Libraries. 6) Data Base Systems: Models; 7) Information Retrieval and Data mining: Association Rule mining, Classification - tree-based approaches, Neural Networks, Clustering basics, statistical approaches, Neural-net. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Expert Systems. 8) Web technology: Web2.0 tools. Ajax, Web Map Server (WMS), Web Feature Server (WFS), XML (Extensible [...]
Educational computer games (EduTainment), Digitization of cultural heritage - standards, Longterm preservation of digital heritage, WEB 2.0, WEB 3.0 Computer Graphics (Applications) and Design.
Functional Programming; Computer Algebra Systems; Knowledge Based Systems; Information Retrieval; Semantic Technologies.
Data Mining, Knowledge Retrieval, Data Bases, Information systems, ERP-systems, Software and Web Design applied in areas such as: Analysis and Management of Economical and Natural Processes.
Software Technologies; Software Quality Requirements; Comparative Analysis; Software Development Models; Software Project Management.