Nesheva, Natalia
Inquiry-based learning in mathematics
Inquiry-based learning in mathematics
Implementing ICT in education; dynamic learning environments; spatial intelligence; math art; fun mathematics.
Math education, technologically supported training, information modeling.
Developing Logo microworlds and models for integrating the learning and the creative processes: Methodological issues of using Information Technology in teaching Mathematics, Languages, Music, Science, Arts; Applying Informatics and ICT in Primary and Secondary School; Methodological support of projects for implementing the Inquiry Based Learning in Primary and Secondary School.
General Topology, Functional Analysis, Cardinal Invariants.
Informatics, mathematical modeling, chemistry, ICT.
Mathematics education, inquiry-based learning, education of gifted students, math competitions, project-based education
Dynamic educational environments, teacher training in dynamic mathematical software, inquiry-based learning in mathematics
Measurements and assessment in education; Comparative, assessment and diagnostic studies in mathematics education; IT in education; Didactics of mathematics; Extracurricular mathematics activities for gifted and talented students from 4th to 12th grade; Combinatorial mathematics, combinatorial geometry.