Kutev, Nikolay

Non-linear elliptic and parabolic equations and systems appearing in geometry, physics and engineering: e.g. the minimum surface equation, the equation of Monge-Ampere, the equation of anisotopic diffusion in the theory image clarification, viscose solutions, diffraction problems of equations with non-continuous coefficients and others.

2023-03-26T11:26:01+03:00Tuesday, 10 April 2018|

Kolkovska, Natalia

My scientific interests are in the field of numerical methods for solving differential and integral equations, in particular - the methods of finite differences, finite elements, boundary elements, as well as their application to the mathematical models of physical and industrial processes.

2022-06-27T12:13:53+03:00Tuesday, 3 April 2018|

Kovacheva, Ralitza

Approximations by rational functions in the complex plane: Pade approximation, best rational approximation, orthogonal polynomials, rate of approximation; complex analysis, potential theory, numerical analysis, mathematical modelling.

2022-08-18T09:58:19+03:00Tuesday, 3 April 2018|

Iliev, Valentin

Algebraic geometry: surface theory, Algebra: associative algebras, theory of finite group representations, Artin braid group representations, Combinatorics: census problems. Mathematical Chemistry: isomerism in organic cemistry, Mathematical Economics: sets of preferences, utility functions.

2020-05-18T10:38:03+03:00Sunday, 25 March 2018|

Ivanov, Lyubomir

Abstract and axiomatic recursion theory; Romanization of Cyrillized languages and re-Romanization of English; Antarctic place naming, geographic surveying and mapping; foreign and security policy, European and Atlantic integration; self-determination, minority rights, immigration policies.

2020-05-18T10:34:37+03:00Sunday, 25 March 2018|
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