Tabov, Jordan
Methodology of Mathematics, Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in the Humanities, Information Modeling, Differential Equations, Geometry.
Methodology of Mathematics, Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in the Humanities, Information Modeling, Differential Equations, Geometry.
Probability and stochastic processes, probabilistic distributions, characterization, momentum problem, stochastic differential equations, counter examples in probability theory, probability in other areas of mathematics
Computer algebra (algorithms, systems and applications), Information Modeling.
Developing Logo microworlds and models for integrating the learning and the creative processes: Methodological issues of using Information Technology in teaching Mathematics, Languages, Music, Science, Arts; Applying Informatics and ICT in Primary and Secondary School; Methodological support of projects for implementing the Inquiry Based Learning in Primary and Secondary School.
Partial differential equations and applications: Solvability and hypoellipticity for pseudodifferential operators with multiply characteristics; Scattering theory for hyperbolic equations and systems for moving obstacles; Nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations; BIEM for systems of elasticity in the domains with cracks.
Partial differential equations, Microlocal analysis, Spectral theory, Scattering theory, Dynamical systems.
Mathematical Linguistics and Knowledge Processing, Human Language Technologies, Information Society Technologies, Knowledge Technologies and Management, Semantic WEB services, Semantic Information Processing, Digital Libraries and Content Management Systems, Algorithmics, Theory of Computation, Discrete Mathematics.
Random Combinatorial Structures, Asymptotic Enumeration, Limit Theorems.
Discrete optimization, Bioinformatics, Drug design.