The First Annual Bulgarian-Russian Mathematical Summit will be held in Sochi, Russia on December 12, 2021.
The event is organized by the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia), the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Moscow (HSE University).
The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences will be represented by prof. Velichka Milousheva, Deputy Director of the Institute and Deputy Director of the ICMS-Sofia. She will host the forum jointly with Sergey Gorchinskiy, Science Deputy Director of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
An essential part of the activities of the ICMS – Sofia is directed towards making a research and educational impact on cutting edge mathematical problems. The main goal of the First Annual Bulgarian-Russian Mathematical Summit is to continue the best traditions in the cooperation between the Bulgarian and the Russian scientists as well as to create new long-term collaborations among mathematicians in Bulgaria and Russia, to disseminate new results and to increase the impact of scientific work of the mathematical and scientific communities in both countries.