The Commission to determine the winner of the Rose and Irving Saf Award for 2018 unanimously selected Emilian Rogachev, student at Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Sofia University (FMI).

Award in mathematics Rose and Irving Saff was founded by prof. Edward Saff from Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA, in memory of his parents. It is awarded each year to a student in mathematics for high achievements and excellence in mathematics. Prof. Saff is a foreign member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Since October 2016, Emilian Rogachev is a teaching assistant at FMI and leads courses in Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Design and Analysis of Algorithms; Discrete Mathematics; Calculus 2; Calculus 1.

Participant and medalist in a great variety of national and international mathematical competitions, tournaments and Olympiads. Since 2015 he has won gold medals from the National Mathematics Olympiad for Students for five consecutive years. Silver medalist from the Balkan Mathematics Olympiad in 2015, a bronze medalist from the Zhautykov International Mathematical Olympiad and Romanian Masters of Mathematics.

This year the Commission for determining the winner of the Prize was composed of Academician Vesselin Drensky – Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Peter Boyvalenkov – Deputy Director of IMI, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Parvan Parvanov – Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and Assoc. Prof. Maya Stoyanova – Deputy Dean of FMI.