National Mathematics Colloquium

UNION OF BULGARIAN MATHEMATICIANS INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM The next meeting of the National Mathematics Colloquium will be held on July 14, 2021 (Wednesday) at 4:15 p.m. in the Conference Room of IMI-BAS and online in Zoom. A talk on: How hard is it to prove computational hardness? From Computational Complexity Theory to Algebraic Combinatorics and back will be delivered by Prof. Greta Panova, University of Southern California, USA. Abstract: How hard is it to solve a given problem? How hard is it to prove that a problem is hard to solve? The answer to such questions can be given by Computational Complexity Theory whose flagship problem, the P vs NP problem, tries to separate the two [...]

2021-07-09T16:31:44+03:00Friday, 9 July 2021|Tags: |

National Mathematics Colloquium

UNION OF BULGARIAN MATHEMATICIANS INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM The next meeting of the National Mathematics Colloquium will be held on June 16, 2021 (Wednesday) at 2:15 p.m. online in Zoom at A talk on: Continuation across small sets in complex analysis will be delivered by Profеssor Slawomir Dinew, Jagiellonian University in Krakow   Everybody is invited. Head of the Colloquium: Acad. P. Popivanov  

2021-06-08T00:55:47+03:00Tuesday, 8 June 2021|Categories: |Tags: |

National Mathematics Colloquium

UNION OF BULGARIAN MATHEMATICIANS INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM The next meeting of the National Mathematics Colloquium will be held on January 27, 2021 (Wednesday) at 4:15 p.m. online in Zoom at A talk on: Methodology for estimating the duration of the COVID-19 epidemic in a country, based on the newly developed ATVBG-SEIR models will be delivered by Prof. Ognyan Kounchev and Assist. Prof. Georgi Simeonov, IMI – BAS. ABSTRACT Everybody is invited. Head of the Colloquium: Acad. P. Popivanov  

2021-01-20T17:20:00+02:00Wednesday, 20 January 2021|Categories: |Tags: |

National Mathematics Colloquium

UNION OF BULGARIAN MATHEMATICIANS INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES   NATIONAL MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM The next meeting of the National Mathematics Colloquium will be held on October 14, 2020 (Wednesday) at 4:15 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 8. A talk on: Chain Ring Analogues of Some Theorems from Extremal Set Theory will be delivered by Prof. Ivan Landjev, IMI – BAS. ABSTRACT Everybody is invited. The colloquium will be streamed via Discord at You can download Discord from Head of the Colloquium: Acad. P. Popivanov  

2020-10-12T19:22:27+03:00Friday, 2 October 2020|Categories: |Tags: |

National Mathematics Colloquium

UNION OF BULGARIAN MATHEMATICIANS INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES   NATIONAL MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM The next meeting of the National Mathematics Colloquium will be held on June 24, 2020 (Wednesday) at 16:15 in the Conference Room of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 8 A talk on: 140th Anniversary of Academician Kiril Popov (1880 – 1966) will be delivered by Acad. Peter Popivanov, IMI – BAS. Everybody is invited. Head of the Colloquium: Acad. P. Popivanov  

2020-06-10T09:20:05+03:00Wednesday, 10 June 2020|Categories: |Tags: |

National Mathematics Colloquium

UNION OF BULGARIAN MATHEMATICIANS INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES   NATIONAL MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM The next meeting of the National Mathematics Colloquium will be held on January 15, 2020 (Wednesday) at 16:15 in the Conference Room of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 8 A talk on: Kolmogorov Stories will be delivered by Asaf Hajiev, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Control Systems. Everybody is invited. Head of the Colloquium: Acad. P. Popivanov Abstract  

2020-01-02T21:43:52+02:00Thursday, 2 January 2020|Categories: |Tags: |

National Mathematics Colloquium

UNION OF BULGARIAN MATHEMATICIANS INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES   NATIONAL MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM The next meeting of the National Mathematics Colloquium will be held on December 4, 2019 (Wednesday) at 16:15 in the Conference Room of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 8 A talk on: Pseudodifferential Operators and Applications in the Theory of Boundary Problems, Analysis and Number Theory will be delivered by Acad. Peter Popivanov, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Everybody is invited. Head of the Colloquium: Acad. P. Popivanov Abstract  

2019-11-21T01:26:40+02:00Monday, 18 November 2019|Categories: |Tags: |

National Mathematics Colloquium

UNION OF BULGARIAN MATHEMATICIANS INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES   NATIONAL MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM The next meeting of the National Mathematics Colloquium will be held on September 4, 2019 (Wednesday) at 16:15 in the Conference Room of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 8 A talk on: The Squeezing Function will be delivered by Prof. John Erik Fornæss, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim. Everybody is invited. Head of the Colloquium: Acad. P. Popivanov Abstract.  In complex analysis the most important domain is the unit disc. In fact all domains (at least simply connected and bounded) are biholomorphic, i.e. analytically equivalent, to the disc. In higher dimension, the natural [...]

2019-08-20T20:34:14+03:00Tuesday, 20 August 2019|Categories: |Tags: , |

National Mathematics Colloquium

UNION OF BULGARIAN MATHEMATICIANS INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES   NATIONAL MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM The next meeting of the National Mathematics Colloquium will be held on June 5, 2019 (Wednesday) at 16:15 in the Conference Room of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 8 A talk on: Optimization theory: a view from variational analysis (with emphasis on the optimal control theory) will be delivered by Professor Emeritus Alexander Ioffe, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.. Everybody is invited. Head of the Colloquium: Acad. P. Popivanov Abstract.  Next year there will be the 60s anniversary of publication of the book of Pontryagin et al "Mathematical theory of optimal processes". The book triggered a series of extensive [...]

2019-05-31T23:18:40+03:00Friday, 31 May 2019|Categories: |Tags: , |

National Mathematics Colloquium

UNION OF BULGARIAN MATHEMATICIANS INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES   NATIONAL MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM The next meeting of the National Mathematics Colloquium will be held on September 10, 2018 (Monday) at 16:00 in the Conference Room of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 8 A talk on: The New Field of Network Physiology: Mapping the Human Physiolome   will be delivered by Prof. Dr. Plamen Ivanov, Theoretic Department, Georgi Nadjakov Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Keck Laboratory for Network Physiology, Physics Department, Boston University Division of Sleep Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Everybody is invited. Head of the Colloquium: Acad. P. Popivanov Abstract.  The human organism is an integrated [...]

2018-08-31T12:18:00+03:00Friday, 31 August 2018|Categories: |Tags: |
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