Georgiev, Ivan R.

Research interests: Mathematical and informatics modeling in logistics, transport and production processes, scheduling theory, modeling and forecasting in financial mathematics, numerical methods for partial and ordinary differential equations.

2023-12-29T10:49:31+02:00Friday, 29 December 2023|

Hadzhiivanov, Svetoslav

I am deeply interested in the field of algorithmic trading, focusing on the integration and application of the actor model in trading systems. Additionally, I am keenly interested in exploring new technologies that can innovate and enhance these areas.

2023-12-04T12:56:49+02:00Monday, 4 December 2023|

Georgiev, Slavi

Modeling in financial mathematics, valuation and calibration of financial derivatives; numerical methods for partial and ordinary differential equations with applications in computational and quantitative finance, mathematical and computer modeling of natural and anthropogenic phenomena such as: transfer of pollutants in air and water environment; population dynamics of honey bees; spread of infectious diseases

2023-12-29T10:56:49+02:00Wednesday, 12 October 2022|
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