Todorov, Michail

Research interests: Methods for Numerical Solving Nonlinear, Eigenvalue Boundary Problems, and Initial Problems, spectral and pseudospectral methods for wave and dispersion equations and dynamical systems

2024-10-07T11:52:27+03:00Monday, 7 October 2024|

Yazadzhiev, Stoycho

Theoretical and mathematical physics, Physics of space-time and gravity, Astrophysics and cosmology, Differential geometry and topology, Non-linear private differential equations, Numerical methods and computational physics

2018-09-17T21:40:13+03:00Sunday, 15 July 2018|

Slavova, Angela

I am working in the theory of differential equations, more precisely in partial differential equations (PDE), CNN modeling of complex nonlinear partial differential equations arising from applications in mathematical physics, in biology, in ecology, in mechanics etc.

2020-08-11T11:45:34+03:00Saturday, 14 April 2018|

Rangelov, Tsviatko

Partial differential equations and applications: Solvability and hypoellipticity for pseudodifferential operators with multiply characteristics; Scattering theory for hyperbolic equations and systems for moving obstacles; Nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations; BIEM for systems of elasticity in the domains with cracks.

2018-09-17T21:25:09+03:00Saturday, 14 April 2018|

Popivanov, Peter

The main research interests and publications of Peter Popivanov are in partial differential equations - linear and nonlinear micro-local analysis nonelliptic border problems and global solvability, hipoellipticity, propagation of singularities of weakly nonlinear hyperbolic equations and systems and applications in mechanics and geometry.

2023-03-26T11:26:59+03:00Friday, 13 April 2018|

Kutev, Nikolay

Non-linear elliptic and parabolic equations and systems appearing in geometry, physics and engineering: e.g. the minimum surface equation, the equation of Monge-Ampere, the equation of anisotopic diffusion in the theory image clarification, viscose solutions, diffraction problems of equations with non-continuous coefficients and others.

2023-03-26T11:26:01+03:00Tuesday, 10 April 2018|
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