The next meeting of the INFORMATION MODELING Seminar will be held online on June 17, 2021, at 2:00 pm. A talk on:
Bioinformatics methods for analysis of “omics” data
will be delivered by Roumyana Yordanova, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
Abstract: The term “Big Data” in biology is often associated with the so called “omics” data which include whole genome and exome sequences, RNA expressions, DNA polymorphisms and mutations, epigenetic modifications, protein spatial structures. Some of the main problems in the analysis of such data are their huge size, the different ways they are generated and the different levels of complexity. In this talk I will present general bioinformatics approaches for analysis, integration and interpretation of “omics” data as well as results from their use. The presented methods will include: whole genome-wide associations; constructing of networks of associations between gene polymorphisms, expressions and phenotypes and studying their interactions with environmental factors; machine learning methods for prediction and Bayesian spatial analysis in metagenomics; decision trees for classification of mutations; modeling of dynamic “omics” data.
Topic: Семинар Информатично моделиране
Time: Jun 17, 2021 14:00 Sofia
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Time: Jun 17, 2021 14:00 Sofia
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Meeting ID: 851 5591 2997
Based on the platform, two pilot IoT systems are being designed and implemented: