Pursuant to item 4.2 of the Operational Regulations of IMI,
a joint meeting of the General Meeting of the Scientists at IMI and the Scientific Council of IMI will be held
on January 24, 2024 (Wednesday) at 11:00 a.m. in Room 055 “Acad. Stefan Dodunekov”, floor -1 of IMI,
with the following agenda:
1. Adoption of the research and financial report for the activities of IMI in 2023.
2. Miscellaneous.
The members of the GMS and the Scientific Council of IMI are obliged to attend the meeting. Information about membership in the GMS could be given by Galya Stoyanova, room 215 at IMI, ext. 3819.
Proposals for minutes keeper, tellers and changes in the agenda of the meeting are also accepted by Galya Stoyanova.
Chairman of the Scientific Council of IMI: Acad. O. Mushkarov
Chairman of the GMS at IMI: Prof. E. Popova