The next meeting of the seminar of
Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
organized by
the Department of Mathematical Foundations of Informatics, IMI – BAS,
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Veliko Tranovo University,
will be held on January 27, 2022, at 2 pm (UTC+2) in Zoom.
A talk will be delivered by
Konstantin Vorobyov,
post-doctoral students at the MOI Department of IMI – BAS,
Binary codes with two distances
Резюме: In this work, we prove two conjectures from a paper on two distance codes by Boyvalenkov, Delchev, Zinoviev and Zinoviev (Discrete Math., 344(5), 112318, disc.2021.112318). We also prove several new upper and lower bounds on A_2(n,d1,d2) (i.e. the maximal cardinality of a binary code of length n with distances d1 < d2) and provide new constructions for binary codes with two distances.
This is a joint work with Ivan Landjev and Assia Rousseva.
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