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The next meeting of

the National Seminar on Probability and Statistics

will be held on  October 24, 2018 (Wednesday) at 2 p.m. in Room 403 of IMI-BAS. A talk will be delivered by

Nikolay I. Ivanov (IMI – BAS)


Asymptotic properties of Lee distance

Abtract: Distances on permutations are often convenient tools for analyzing and modeling rank data. They capture the main feature of the data and provide a basis for further investigation. In this talk, some statistical properties of the Lee distance are studied. Asymptotic results for the random variable induced by Lee distance are derived and used to compare the Distance-based probability model and the Marginals model for complete rankings. Some statistical tools for estimating the unknown parameters and testing the goodness-of-fit of the presented models are considered for eight commonly used distances on permutations. As an application of the proposed models, three illustrative examples of rank datasets are analyzed.

Everybody is invited.



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