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A meeting of the Seminar on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics will be held in Veliko Tarnovo on January 17, 2024, at 4 pm, in Room 502 of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the Veliko Tarnovo University.

A talk on

Build your own digital device, even a multicore and multithreaded  icrocontroller with FPGA

will be delivered by Dushan Bikov, Gotse Delchev University in Stip.

Abstract: The use of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) plays an essential role in providing flexibility for digital design. We then delve into practical insights on utilizing and constructing Intellectual Property (IP) cores within the FPGA framework.

In addition to this, a new type of multithreaded and multicore microcontroller will be presented. The aim is to provide more computing power for embedded applications. Through parallelism, the microcontroller can run multiple tasks, either independently or cooperatively. Parallelism is handled through multithreading, which is better suited to real-time constraints than more traditional interruptions. The microcontroller Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) is the open-source RISC-V RV32I. A short efficiency experiment evaluation will be presented.

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