A meeting of the Seminar on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics will be held in Veliko Tarnovo on March 18, 2024, at 4:30 pm, in Room 401 of Building 4 of the Veliko Tarnovo University.
A talk on
LCD Codes over Mixed Alphabets
will be delivered by Maryam Bajalan, IMI – BAS.
Abstract: In this presentation, we describe the structural properties of (Galois) linear complementary dual codes over mixed alphabets arising from finite chain rings. Our focus centres on providing a comprehensive characterization, outlining the conditions under which a given code falls into this category and it is Galois invariant. This leads to the study of the Gray image of FpFp[θ]-linear codes, where p ∈ {2,3} and θ ≠ θ2 = 0 , that provides Fp-linear complementary dual codes.
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Meeting ID: 871 3906 2405
Passcode: 9BiJtF