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Time: October 31, 2023, 2:00 pm

Place: Room 403, IMI – BAS

Speaker: Peter Dalakov, IMI-BAS

Course title: Introduction to Projective Structures and Opers

Abstract: A complex projective structure on a Riemann surface is determined by an atlas, whose transition functions are Moebius (fractional-linear) transformations. There are multiple   descriptions of these structures: as certain flat PGL_2-bundles, as Sturm-Liouville operators, as holomorphic connections on the (first) jet bundle of the dual of a theta-characteristic, etc. This mini-course is an introduction to the fundamentals of projective structures, accessible to students and non-specialists. We will also explore links to some classical geometric objects (such as quadratic differentials and Schwarzian derivatives), as well as some generalisations (G-opers) introduced by Beilinson and Drinfeld.


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