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Time: January 16, 2024, 2:00 pm

Place: Room 403, IMI – BAS

Speaker: Carlos Varea (Universidade Tecnológica  Federal do Paraná – Campus Cornélio Procópio, Brazil)

Title: The H-flux on flag manifolds generated by infinitesimal T-duality

Further information: https://icms.bg/the-h-flux-on-flag-manifolds-generated-by-infinitesimal-t-duality-talk-by-carlos-varea/

Abstract. In this talk we present a new correspondence for pairs \((\mathbb{F},H)\) formed by a flag manifold \(\mathbb{F}\) together with an $H$-flux on \(\mathbb{F}\). Given its role within our correspondence, infinitesimal \(T\)-duality may be viewed as a source of \(H\)-flux, in the sense that it contributes towards taking fluxless pairs \((\mathbb{F},0)\) to pairs \((\mathbb{F}^\vee, H^\vee)\) carrying nontrivial flux \(H^\vee\neq 0\). We also illustrate how our correspondence exchanges complex structures with symplectic ones up to \(B\)-transformations. This is a joint work with Elizabeth Gasparim and Lino Grama.

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