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The International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia)
and the
Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas Consortium (IMSAC)


Consortium Distinguished Lecture Series

November 1-2, 2021, 5:00 pm (EEST, Sofia time)

ICMS-Sofia, via Zoom

Lefschetz theorems beyond Hodge structures

Abstract: One of the key developments in combinatorics and algebra of recent years has been the discovery of Lefschetz principles beyond Hodge structures, resolving several long-standing conjectures. I will provide an overview over recent developments, and discuss joint work with Johanna Steinmeyer, Stavros Papadakis and Vasiliki Petrotou

Karim Adiprasito
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Prof. Adiprasito is known for his fundamental contributions to combinatorics and discrete geometry. Together with June Huh and Eric Katz he proved the Heron-Rota-Welsh conjecture regarding the log-concavity of coefficients of the characteristic polynomials of matroids. Prof. Adiprasito resolved the Hirsch conjecture for flag triangulations of manifolds, and McMullen’s g-conjecture for simplificial spheres.

Prof. Adiprasito was awarded the 2015 European Prize in Combinatorics, the 2019 New Horizon Prize for Early-Career Achievements in Mathematics associated with the Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics, and the 2020 Prize of the EMS.

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