Eighth International Scientific Conference
“Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization” (KIN2022)
12-16 April 2022
Location: Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
within the International Tourism Fair “Cultural Tourism” – Veliko Tarnovo
Opening of conference: 12.04.2022
Working language: Bulgarian, English and Russian
Deadline for applications for participation with abstract/summary:25.03.2022
Application form for participation in the conference
Confirmation for acceptance: 29.03.2022
Conference program: 04.04.2022
Internet address of a channel on the YouTube platform for broadcasting the conference:
The main directions of the conference are the preservation, digitalization and presentation of the cultural and historical heritage (CHH). The interdisciplinary forum aims to present scientific and applied research, projects, and innovations in the field of CHH. The main focus of KIN2022 will be modern research trends and innovative applications in this broad spectrum, as well as the Bulgarian experience in the presentation and digitalization of CHH. Presentation of research in the humanities: archaeology, museology, historiography, medievalism, architecture, ethnology, folklore, cultural anthropology, linguistics, literature, musicology, theology, theatre, fine arts, screen arts, etc., as well as their relationship with information technologies, digitalization, digital conversion, publication of electronic information arrays on cultural, historical and scientific heritage, systematization and effective access.
Extended versions of reports presented at the forum will be published after a double-blind review in journals indexed in global databases (ERIH PLUS, Crossref, Scholar, etc.). Requirements and instructions for submission of full papers.
The program will include reports from renowned experts and young scientists from Bulgaria and abroad on the preservation, presentation and digitalization of CHH, round table, exhibitions and demonstrations.
Research institutes, universities, libraries, museums, archives, galleries, business representatives and tourist information centres are invited to exchange experiences, ideas and results on the theme of the conference.
For more information please visit the conference website: