An online session of the Algebra and Logic Seminar will be held on January 7, 2022 (Friday) at 1:00 pm (UTC+2). A talk on
A valuation theorem for Noetherian rings
will be delivered by Antoni Rangachev (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences).
Abstract. A classical result due to Krull says that a normal domain R is equal to the intersection of the valuation rings in its field of fractions that contain R. If in addition R is Noetherian, then one can restrict the intersection to the discrete valuation rings that contain R. Now consider the following relative setting. Let A and B be integral domains. Suppose A is Noetherian and B is a finitely generated A-algebra that contains A. Denote by A’ the integral closure of A in B. In this talk I will show that A’ is determined by finitely many unique discrete valuation rings. This result generalizes Rees’ classical valuation theorem for ideals. If time permits I will obtain a variant of Zariski’s main theorem.
The seminar will be held via Zoom and everyone can join at:
Topic: Онлайн семинар на секция “Алгебра и логика”
Time: Jan 07, 2022 01:00 PM Sofia
Meeting ID: 851 3737 5021
Passcode: 035647
Algebra and Logic Department, IMI-BAS
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