Department of Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
Alexandrova, Todorka
Associate Professor, PhD, Department Secretary
Information security and cryptography, secret sharing schemes and their applications. crowd computing, crowdsourcing and gamification
Baicheva, Tsonka
Professor, PhD
Coding Theory: covering radii of codes, optimal codes, decoding, Computer communications: error control performance of codes, Combinatorics, Algorithms.
Bajalan, Maryam
Senior Assistant Professor, PhD
National research program "
January 5, 2023 - January 4, 2024
Borisov, Yuri
Associate Professor, PhD
Cryptology, coding theory, discrete mathematics.
Boumova, Silvia
Associate Professor, PhD
Algebra (Linear Algebra in Euclidean Space, Group Theory, Finite Fields), Geometry (Codes and Designs in Polynomial Metric Spaces), Combinatorics (Spherical Designs, Designs in Projective Spaces), Coding Theory (Coding Limits, Optimal Codes), Cryptography.
Bouyukliev, Iliya
Professor, D.Sc.
Combinatorial algorithms and codes - isomorphism, generation and classification algorithms, coding theory - code boundaries, optimal codes, code automorphisms, algebra, finite fields, cryptography.
Boyvalenkov, Peter
Corresponding Member of BAS, Professor, D.Sc., Director of IMI - BAS
Algebra: Linear Algebra in Euclidean Spaces, Finite Fields; Geometry: Codes and Designs in Polynomial Metric Spaces, Packings and Coverings; Combinatorics: Orthogonal Arrays, t-Designs, Strongly Regular Graphs, Association Schemes – Spherical Designs, Designs in Projective Spaces; Coding Theory: Bounds for Codes, Optimal Codes.
Cherkashin, Danila
Associate Professor, PhD
Research interests: hypergraph coloring, chromatic number of space, Steiner problem, maximal distance minimizers
Cvetanova, Antoaneta
Research interests: Combinatorial Algorithms
Mathematician, PhD
Cryptology, combinatorial optimization and algorithms
Combinatorics, Additive combinatorics, Graph theory, Algorithms (complexity), Analysis.
Kolev, Emil
Professor, PhD
Coding theory, query problems, covering problems.
Kostadinov, Hristo
Associate Professor, PhD, Department Head
Теория на кодирането и приложението й в кодова модулация, водни знаци и флаш-памети.
Manev, Nikolay
Professor, PhD
Coding theory, computer algebra, high performance computing.
Pashinska-Gadzheva, Maria
Assistant Professor
Research interests: Linear Codes and Combinatorial Algorithms, Algorithms optimization, Mathematical software
Topalova, Svetlana
Professor, PhD
Construction, properties and classification up to equivalence of combinatorial designs and related structures, namely resolvable designs, doubly resolvable designs, orthogonal resolutions, multiple designs, Hadamard matrices, error-correcting codes, spreads and parallelisms of projective spaces, optical orthogonal codes.
Vavrek, Veselin
Senior Assistant Professor, PhD
Coding Theory, Cryptography, Number Theory.
Zhelezova, Stela
Associate Professor, PhD
Resolvable designs, doubly resolvable designs, orthogonal resolutions, spreads and parallelisms of projective spaces, cryptographic primitives, algorithms
Комбинаторика, Адитивна комбинаторика, Графи, Алгоритми, Анализ