About IMI

The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (IMI) is BAS’s only institute in the area of mathematics and one of the country’s leaders in the domains of informatics and computer science.

The Institute’s mission is the development of mathematics and informatics through research and the application of mathematics and informatics in the national education programmes and processes at all levels.

The IMI’s research staff are divided into 9 separate departments and one temporary research team. Work is carried out on research themes, grouped into:

  • Interinstitutional projects funded by BAS’s budget;
  • Projects sponsored by the National Science Fund;
  • Projects within European and international programmes;
  • Innovation and technology transfer projects.

There are 19 permanent research seminars at the Institute. IMI publishes or supports the publishing of four research journals.

The Institute has also a Library, which is considered by our numerous foreign visitors as one of the best mathematical libraries in South-East Europe.

Thanks to the high professionalism of its staff, IMI is integrated into the global scientific community and enjoys well-deserved repute. Each year the Institute welcomes over 200 renowned foreign scholars, organises more than 15 scientific conferences, seminars and schools.

IMI’s Brief History:

Since its inception in 1947, IMI has been the leading Bulgarian research and training center for highly qualified staff, pursuing a purposeful, long-term and consistent policy related to the main trends in the development of mathematics, informatics and information technologies. Several facts of our history are indicative of the successful realization of the mission of IMI:

  • In 1961 the Mathematical Institute (the then name of IMI) established the first Bulgarian computing center.
  • In the period 1962-1964 the first Bulgarian digital computerized machine Vitosha was created.
  • In 1965 the first electronic calculator Elka 6521 was created.
  • In 1966, the Mathematical Institute with Computing Center separated from the Central Institute of Computing (CIC).
  • In 1977, the Institute of Mechanics and Biomechanics separated from the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics.
  • Researchers from the Institute of Mathematics with Computing Center were the core of the Coordination Center for Informatics and Computing established in 1984 (now the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies).
  • Together with the St. St. Cyril and Methodius Foundation, the Evrika Foundation and the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, in 2000 IMI founded the High School Student Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
  • In 2006 a National Center for Digitization of Scientific, Cultural and Historical Heritage was set up in IMI.

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