Семинар на МЦМН
Институт по математика и информатика - БАН Block 8, 1113 БАН IV км., СофияДата: 14.11.2023 г., 14:00 ч. Място: Зала 403, ИМИ - БАН Докладчик: Валдемар Цанов, ИМИ - БАН Курс: Invariant theory, homogeneous projective varieties, and momentum maps Резюме: Let f:K\to U(V) be a unitary representation of a compact Lie group K with Lie algebra \mathfrak k . This series of talks will be devoted to some recent developments based on relations between the following three classical notions. The ring of K -invariant polynomials \mathbb C[V]^K is finitely generated by homogeneous elements, by a theorem of Hilbert, but the proof is notoriously nonconstructive. The degrees of a minimal set of generators are canonically determined by f , and will be the focus of the discussion. The K -equivariant momentum map \mu:\mathbb P(V)\to \mathfrak [...]