Зарежда Събития

Следващата сбирка на Семинара по геометрия на МЦМН
ще се проведе в сряда, 27 март 2024 г. от 16:00 ч. в зала 403:

Доклад на тема

Reading seminar of geometric Lubin-Tate theory

ще изнесе Jiachang Xu, ИМИ – БАН.

Abstract: This is reading seminar of geometry of Lubin-Tate theory, our goal is to understand the papers “M. J. Hopkins and B. H. Gross, Equivariant vector bundles on the Lubin-Tate moduli space” and “Ramero, Lorenzo On a class of étale analytic sheaves”. The first seminar we plan to go over the basis of deformation theory, formal group and necessary rigid geometry.
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