BIOMATH 2019: Математически методи и модели в бионауките
BIOMATH'19 16.06.2019 - 22.06.2019 | Będlewo Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences (Biomath) is an established conference series providing meeting forums for scientists from different disciplines as well as different countries and continents, who develop and apply mathematical and computational tools to study phenomena in the broad fields of life sciences. This multidisciplinary event covers scientific fields such as biology, ecology, medicine, biotechnology, bioengineering, environmental science, etc. The conference's tradition of scientific meetings on Biomathematics was established in Sofia in 1995 and continued at several universities in Bulgaria (2011-2014, 2018: Bulgarian Academy of Scences, 2015-2016: South-West University) and South Africa (2017: University of Pretoria). In 2019 this event will be organised in Poland, in the Conference Center of Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences in Będlewo. Some basic information about the [...]