Семинар по Приложна математика
Институт по математика и информатика - БАН Block 8, 1113 БАН IV км., СофияTemporal networks, Tensors, and applications to ML Докладчик: проф. Огнян Кунчев, ИМИ - БАН Дата: 31.01.2024 г. Час: 15:00 ч. Място: ... Резюме: Recently, temporal networks got an increasing interest, related to their numerous applications in real-life data analysis. The temporal networks (more mathematically, “graphs depending on time”) are a typical example of a Tensor – the adjacency matrix depends on several parameters and is a tensor (in the mathematical sense of the word). We present some recent results about the structure of the spectrum of the normalized Laplacian in the case of “slowly varying temporal networks”. The detailed structure of the spectrum gives rise of the notion of “constant block Jacobi model”, which has closed-form solution for the spectrum and the eigenfunctions. This [...]