Семинар по диференциални уравнения
На 28.06.2019 г. от 11:00 в зала 478 на ИМИ ще се състои поредната сбирка на семинара по Диференциални уравнения с докладчик Col. Prof. Chhanda Samanta, Virginia Military Institute, USA на тема: A GENERALIZED MASS FORMULA FOR STRANGE AND NON-STRANGE NUCLEI Резюме. In 1953 a strange nucleus called “Hypernucleus” was first discovered that contains a hyperon in addition to neutrons and protons. While neutrons and protons are made of up and down quarks, hyperons are made of different combinations of up, down and strange quarks. Since its first discovery, about 50 different strange-nuclei have been found with different “strangeness”. In March 2010, a strange anti-hypernucleus called, anti-hypertriton was discovered at Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA that gave a glimpse of the ‘hyper anti-world’ and extended the [...]