Общ семинар на секция “Анализ, геометрия и топология”
Поредното заседание на Общия семинар на секция "Анализ, геометрия и топология" ще се проведе на 15 октомври 2024 г. от 14:00 часа в зала 478 на ИМИ - БАН. Доклад на тема: Unimodality Preservation by Ratios of Functional Series and Integral Transforms ще изнесе Dmitrii Karp, Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel. Поканват се всички интересуващи се. Резюме. Elementary, but very useful lemma due to Biernacki and Krzyz (1955) asserts that the ratio of two power series inherits monotonicity from that of the sequence of ratios of their corresponding coefficients. Over the last two decades it has been realized that, under some additional assumptions, similar claims hold for more general series ratios and integral transforms as well as for unimodality in place of monotonicity. [...]