Семинар “Алгебра и логика”

Институт по математика и информатика - БАН Block 8, 1113 БАН IV км., София

На 29 март 2024 г. (петък) от 13:00 часа ще се проведе дистанционно заседание на семинара по „Алгебра и логика”. Доклад на тема: Generalized Definability of Discrete Time Interval-based Temporal Connectives ще изнесе Димитър Гелев, ИМИ - БАН. Абстракт. In Linear Temporal Logic with past (PLTL), expressive completeness implies that any first-order definable connective is also definable in the temporal language based on the Since and Until temporal operators. This is not the case about discrete time interval-based temporal logics with state-based semantics for the propositional variables. In this talk I prove the next best thing about the extension ITLNL of Moszkowski's discrete time propositional Interval Temporal Logic (ITL) by the neighbourhood modalities: given an interval-based connective # which admits a first-order definition, a star-free ITLNL defining formula for #(A1,...,Am) can be produced that [...]

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