Семинар по геометрия на МЦМН

Следващата сбирка на Семинара по геометрия на МЦМН ще се проведе в сряда, 6 декември 2023 г. от 16:00 ч. в зала 403 и онлайн в Zoom: Доклад на тема Introduction to tropical modifications (II) ще изнесе Никита Калинин, Международен център по математически науки (МЦМН - София). Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83740034721?pwd=VnBtcVpGUktscHQ4a09jZkNZTURyZz09

2023-11-30T16:24:39+02:00четвъртък, 30 ноември 2023|Categories: |Tags: , |

Семинар по геометрия на МЦМН

Следващата сбирка на Семинара по геометрия на МЦМН ще се проведе в сряда, 22 ноември 2023 г. от 16:00 ч. в зала 403 и онлайн в Zoom: Topics in non-archimedean analytic geometry (II) by Jiachang Xu – International Center for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS – Sofia) Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83740034721?pwd=VnBtcVpGUktscHQ4a09jZkNZTURyZz09

2023-11-21T18:42:25+02:00вторник, 21 ноември 2023|Categories: |Tags: , |

Семинар по геометрия на МЦМН

Следващата сбирка на Семинара по геометрия на МЦМН ще се проведе в сряда, 15 ноември 2023 г. от 16:00 ч. в зала 403 и онлайн в Zoom: Topics in non-archimedean analytic geometry (I), by Jiachang Xu – International Center for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS – Sofia) Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83740034721?pwd=VnBtcVpGUktscHQ4a09jZkNZTURyZz09

2023-11-10T18:56:07+02:00петък, 10 ноември 2023|Categories: |Tags: , |

Семинар на МЦМН

Дата: 05.12.2023 г., 14:00 ч. Място: Зала 403, ИМИ - БАН Докладчик: Богдан Станков, ИМИ - БАН Доклад: Recent developments in the study of Følner functions Допълнителна информация: https://icms.bg/recent-developments-in-the-study-of-folner-functions-talk-by-bogdan-stankov/

2023-11-30T16:18:04+02:00вторник, 10 октомври 2023|Categories: |Tags: |

Семинар на МЦМН

Дата: 23.11.2023 г., 14:00 ч. Място: Зала 403, ИМИ - БАН Докладчик: Валдемар Цанов, ИМИ - БАН Курс: Invariant theory, homogeneous projective varieties, and momentum maps Резюме: Let f:K\to U(V) be a unitary representation of a compact Lie group K with Lie algebra \mathfrak k . This series of talks will be devoted to some recent developments based on relations between the following three classical notions. The ring of K -invariant polynomials \mathbb C[V]^K is finitely generated by homogeneous elements, by a theorem of Hilbert, but the proof is notoriously nonconstructive. The degrees of a minimal set of generators are canonically determined by f , and will be the focus of the discussion. The K -equivariant momentum map \mu:\mathbb P(V)\to \mathfrak [...]

2023-10-10T12:19:18+03:00вторник, 10 октомври 2023|Categories: |Tags: |

Семинар на МЦМН

Дата: 21.11.2023 г., 14:00 ч. Място: Зала 403, ИМИ - БАН Докладчик: Валдемар Цанов, ИМИ - БАН Курс: Invariant theory, homogeneous projective varieties, and momentum maps Резюме: Let f:K\to U(V) be a unitary representation of a compact Lie group K with Lie algebra \mathfrak k . This series of talks will be devoted to some recent developments based on relations between the following three classical notions. The ring of K -invariant polynomials \mathbb C[V]^K is finitely generated by homogeneous elements, by a theorem of Hilbert, but the proof is notoriously nonconstructive. The degrees of a minimal set of generators are canonically determined by f , and will be the focus of the discussion. The K -equivariant momentum map \mu:\mathbb P(V)\to \mathfrak [...]

2023-10-10T12:17:30+03:00вторник, 10 октомври 2023|Categories: |Tags: |

Семинар на МЦМН

Дата: 16.11.2023 г., 14:00 ч. Място: Зала 403, ИМИ - БАН Докладчик: Валдемар Цанов, ИМИ - БАН Курс: Invariant theory, homogeneous projective varieties, and momentum maps Резюме: Let f:K\to U(V) be a unitary representation of a compact Lie group K with Lie algebra \mathfrak k . This series of talks will be devoted to some recent developments based on relations between the following three classical notions. The ring of K -invariant polynomials \mathbb C[V]^K is finitely generated by homogeneous elements, by a theorem of Hilbert, but the proof is notoriously nonconstructive. The degrees of a minimal set of generators are canonically determined by f , and will be the focus of the discussion. The K -equivariant momentum map \mu:\mathbb P(V)\to \mathfrak [...]

2023-10-10T12:15:36+03:00вторник, 10 октомври 2023|Categories: |Tags: |

Семинар на МЦМН

Дата: 14.11.2023 г., 14:00 ч. Място: Зала 403, ИМИ - БАН Докладчик: Валдемар Цанов, ИМИ - БАН Курс: Invariant theory, homogeneous projective varieties, and momentum maps Резюме: Let f:K\to U(V) be a unitary representation of a compact Lie group K with Lie algebra \mathfrak k . This series of talks will be devoted to some recent developments based on relations between the following three classical notions. The ring of K -invariant polynomials \mathbb C[V]^K is finitely generated by homogeneous elements, by a theorem of Hilbert, but the proof is notoriously nonconstructive. The degrees of a minimal set of generators are canonically determined by f , and will be the focus of the discussion. The K -equivariant momentum map \mu:\mathbb P(V)\to \mathfrak [...]

2023-10-10T12:03:57+03:00вторник, 10 октомври 2023|Categories: |Tags: |

Семинар на МЦМН

Дата: 06.11.2023 г., 14:00 ч. Място: Зала 403, ИМИ - БАН Докладчик: Петър Далаков, ИМИ - БАН Курс: Introduction to Projective Structures and Opers Резюме: A complex projective structure on a Riemann surface is determined by an atlas, whose transition functions are Moebius (fractional-linear) transformations. There are multiple   descriptions of these structures: as certain flat PGL_2-bundles, as Sturm-Liouville operators, as holomorphic connections on the (first) jet bundle of the dual of a theta-characteristic, etc. This mini-course is an introduction to the fundamentals of projective structures, accessible to students and non-specialists. We will also explore links to some classical geometric objects (such as quadratic differentials and Schwarzian derivatives), as well as some generalisations (G-opers) introduced by Beilinson and Drinfeld. https://icms.bg/introduction-to-projective-structures-and-opers/    

2023-10-10T11:12:37+03:00вторник, 10 октомври 2023|Categories: |Tags: |

Семинар на МЦМН

Дата: 02.11.2023 г., 14:00 ч. Място: Зала 403, ИМИ - БАН Докладчик: Петър Далаков, ИМИ - БАН Курс: Introduction to Projective Structures and Opers Резюме: A complex projective structure on a Riemann surface is determined by an atlas, whose transition functions are Moebius (fractional-linear) transformations. There are multiple   descriptions of these structures: as certain flat PGL_2-bundles, as Sturm-Liouville operators, as holomorphic connections on the (first) jet bundle of the dual of a theta-characteristic, etc. This mini-course is an introduction to the fundamentals of projective structures, accessible to students and non-specialists. We will also explore links to some classical geometric objects (such as quadratic differentials and Schwarzian derivatives), as well as some generalisations (G-opers) introduced by Beilinson and Drinfeld. https://icms.bg/introduction-to-projective-structures-and-opers/    

2023-10-10T11:10:45+03:00вторник, 10 октомври 2023|Categories: |Tags: |
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