Семинар по изследване на операциите
На 2-ри юли (вторник) от 14:00 ч. в зала 503 на ИМИ ще се състои сбирка на Семинара по Изследване на операциите. Доклад на тема On some contemporary mathematical methods for data analysis ще изнесе проф. Пандо Георгиев, ИМИ-БАН. Абстракт: We will review some selected methods and algorithms for data analysis: A) Latent component analysis - reveals hidden features of composite data. Particularly, we will describe some Signal Separation Methods: based on statistical independence - Independent Component Analysis based on sparsity. - Sparse Component Analysis based on non-negativity - Non-Negative Matrix and Tensor Factorization B) New approach to multiclass learning problems and applications to some problems in machine learning, as: nonlinear least square problems subspace clustering and non-linear skeletons reconstruction of several [...]