Семинар по изследване на операциите
На 22 октомври (вторник) от 14:00 ч. в зала 503 на ИМИ ще се състои сбирка на Семинара по Изследване на операциите. Доклад на тема Asymptotic covariance matrix of Capon’s Maximum likelihood estimator and application of steered response power phase alignment algorithm in seismic array data processing - част 2 ще изнесе Александр Варипаев от секция ИОСВ. Абстракт: Capon’s estimator was originally developed for frequency-wavenumber power spectral density analysis. Theoretically, it can be treated as maximum likelihood estimator of unknown vector parameter of multidimensional linear system (MLS) model with one input and m outputs. Practically important and non-trivial case is considered, when the number of nuisance parameters, which are values of input deterministic signal, tends to infinity. Under assumptions that MLS output signals distorted by [...]