Семинар “Диференциални уравнения и математическа физика”
На 11.09.2024 г. от 14:00 ч. в зала 478 на ИМИ и онлайн в Zoom ще се състои поредната сбирка на семинара по Диференциални уравнения и математическа физика. Доклад на тема Wigner’s elementary systems in de Sitter spacetime ще изнесе Хамед Педжан. Абстракт. Quantum elementary systems are associated with (projective) unitary irreducible representations (UIRs) of the relativity group (or one of its covering groups). This foundational perspective was first introduced by Wigner in his seminal 1939 paper, within the framework of Einstein-Poincaré relativity. In this talk, building on Wigner's approach, we will briefly introduce the de Sitter relativity group, its representations, and outline the basics of constructing elementary systems within the global structure of de Sitter spacetime. Линка към Зуум стаята: Join Zoom Meeting [...]