Семинар по Приложна математика по НП ПИКОМ
Viability analysis in mathematical biology Докладчик: доц. д-р Петър Рашков, ИМИ - БАН Дата: 30.10.2024 г. Час: 14:00 ч. Място: зала 503 Резюме: Applications of control theory to mathematical biology are numerous. The study of control strategies happens most often in the context of optimal resource allocation or investigation of asymptotic convergence of solutions to equilibria with specific properties. The study of solutions of controlled systems which must respect some specific constraints has been pursued to a lesser extent. The ODE-based models I will present are subject to constraints on both the control and one or more phase variables. The mathematical task is to describe and compute the viability kernel associated to the constraints. This kernel is the set of those initial states for [...]