Семинар по диференциални уравнения
Институт по математика и информатика - БАН Block 8, 1113 БАН IV км., СофияНа 28.06.2019 г. от 12:00 в зала 478 на ИМИ ще се състои поредната сбирка на семинара по Диференциални уравнения с докладчик Col. Prof. Dimple Chalishajar, Virginia Military Institute, USA на тема: EXACT AND TRAJECTORY CONTROLLABILITY OF NONLINEAR AND FRACTIONAL ORDER SYSTEMS: A THEORETICAL AND AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH Резюме. Study of nonlinear systems is important since most of the practical systems are nonlinear in nature. There are different notions of controllability like complete controllability, approximate controllability, exact controllability, partial exact controllability, null controllability, local controllability, etc. A current notion of controllability namely Trajectory controllability (T - controllability) has been introduced as a new direction in the field of control theory. We have discussed T- controllability of the first and second order nonlinear integro-differential system by [...]